About Fairy Dust

Hi my name is fairy dust I love nature and learning about our environment and life, as we are forever evolving all the time, life is a learning process.  I am a fully qualified Holistic Therapist specialising in aromatherapy and its healing effects on the human body. I will be introducing some aromatherapy products has i go along. so if you suffer from stress, anxiety, depression or just want a relaxing environment for a better wellbeing then perhaps my products may help. I have been creating things for my home for years and now i would like to share my creativity with you.

As you may have guessed Fairy Dust is not my real name its my Alias. My Birth name is Lisa. I was named after the Mona Lisa apparently when i was born i cried a lot. In life it took me a while to find out who i was and what i was, i think most of you can relate to this especially if the road was long and rocky at times. I studied a few  religions that interested me i even stayed in a Buddhist monastery for a while, well it was only for a weekend but it was very enlightening to me. I am a spiritual person that loves creating things. It was in 2007 when i completed my degree, a divorced single mother of 5 children this is when i truly found me and my path in life.

I chose the path of the wise ones, the witch doctors, the healers, the old crone what ever name you would like to call them, this is probably where our old wives tales originated from. I am a white witch (white) meaning good "if it harms none then let it be". this is the path i choose in life this is me this is where i belong and where Fairy Dust was created.

Well that's enough about me lets focus now on you the customer. i hope you enjoy looking at and buying my products, i hope you will stop by and have a chat regarding my items. whether you have an idea for a product which i could bring to life, or whether its advise you need or an enquiry regarding aromatherapy oils and their usage for ailments i will try and help if i can. All my products here at Practical Magick come with love light and blessings from me to you. I do hope to hear from you soon.

Blessed Be

Fairy Dust
